1. What are the drivers of India’s economic boom? Will the Indian government continue being cooperative and welcoming to foreign investors? 2. Do the deeper pockets (e.g., cash and other resources) of international hotel chains give them a competitive advantage over domestic chains? Why or why not? If an advantage does exist, is the advantage of deep pockets a sustainable advantage? 3. As the popularity of Indian market grows, will other global and domestic chains increase their aggressiveness, posing enhanced competitive threats? 4. Why is Starwood expanding with a newly created and untested brand like Aloft? Does the brand concept work outside of the US? Why or why not? 5. Will the brand work in India as a new generation of Indian customers emerges? What elements of the Aloft brand make it easy or difficult to bring to India? Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work written by our team of experts to guarantee you A Results Why Choose US 6+ years experience on custom writing 80% Return Client Urgent 2 Hrs Delivery Your Privacy Guaranteed Unlimited Free Revisions